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About Us

We at St. Paul study and share God's Word; pray and worship together; love and nurture one another; and commit and reach out to those in need.


What We Believe, Teach, and Confess


We are a confessing community focussed on worshiping God as revealed to us in Scripture as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Our chief doctrine is that Jesus died and rose again to save all those who believe in him. As a result of what God has done for us our lives become living sacrifices focused of love of God and love of neighbor. 


In worship we confess our sins, learn from the Word in readings and preaching, and come together to receive the body and blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We believe Christ is truly present in, with, and under the elements and ask that before communing each individual examine themselves and consider carefully whether their faith is in agreement with the Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod. Visitors are welcome to commune after speaking with Pastor or an Elder before communing.

Our Pastor  & Staff

Doris Merkle

Office Manager

Brian Hoover

Music Director​ & Organist

Chris Skibbe

Media Director

Coleen Clear & Family


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