We are so glad to have you join us for week #3 lesson, and on PALM SUNDAY, the beginning of Holy Week! Once again, keeping our "social distance" we are able to "gather together" as a group of SS families via email to share the Good News about Jesus Christ, our Savior, especially at this very special time of the church year.
We hope you are getting the information we send and are reviewing all of it as a family and doing the bonus activities to reinforce the lessons in another way!
LESSON 3 - "A Shepherd Loves"
Jesus calls himself the Good Shepherd as He promises to lead and guide His sheep. Jesus willingly laid down His life for His sheep, even those who often ignore the voice of the Shepherd. his will be revealed once again to us on Good Friday of this coming week when we talk about Christ's crucifixion on the cross for all of us! David's familiar Twenty-third Psalm describes the work of our Good Shepherd.
The Bible Verse: (Jesus says,) "I am the good shepherd." John 10:11
The Learner Goal: I understand that Jesus laid down His life for me, and promises to lead,
guide, and protect me.
Scripture: John 10: 1-18 and Psalm 23
Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for making us your own and calling us by name
to be Yours. In Your name we pray. Amen
This completes lesson #3 for Sunday School. There are a lot of attachments of pictures to color if you print them out, and some ideas for sidewalk chalk art to share Easter Joy to others!! You can draw these messages on some sidewalks to share the Easter joy next Sunday while keeping a safe "social distance"!!
Don't forget to finish your Lenten calendars, sing "Hosanna Rock" with You Tube video, and make your own palm out of some green construction paper or color some white paper green if you don't have green paper!
Remember, have mom and dad take some pictures of you doing some activities of the lessons, or just any pictures of you to email to us. We MISS SEEING everyone!
Have a blessed Palm Sunday and talk with your parents about the sadness that is coming on Good Friday, and the JOY that comes only 3 days later!!
Congratulations to Ellie Mishler and her family on the birth of her new baby sister Violet!! Stay safe, keep the faith, wash your hands and stay home.
God bless all of you - Mrs Skibbe and SS staff